Our Services

ParlezVousTech : Your Trusted Technological Partner for Custom Designed and Developed Solutions.

Teachers With Vision​

Our Instructors​

The pain itself is important, but the pain is enhanced by the adipiscing process, but I give it time to cut it down so that I do some great work and pain. For more information on how.

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Embedded systems

Design and production of POC embedded systems
Optimization and integration
Development of tailor-made systems

ehr, emr, electronic medical record-1476525.jpg

medical/industrial HMI

Creating powerful desktop applications
Friendly user interface with Qt and QML
Custom development for Windows, macOS and Linux

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Connected electronics

IoT application design and deployment
Integration of sensors and wireless technologies
Management and monitoring of IoT devices

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Mobile app

Mobile apps for IoT and connectivity
Optimized user experience
Cross-platform compatibility

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Do you have a project to entrust to us? Let's talk about it!